February 3, 2022
Mississippi community college students could be eligible for a supplemental grant of up to $500 for the summer 2022 term offered through the office of the Mississippi Student Financial Aid.
The funds are through the Governor’s Education Relief Fund Summer Grant Program, or GEER.
The Governor’s Emergency Education Relief Fund Summer Grant Program (GEER) is designed to make one-time supplemental grants during the summer 2022 term to continuing college students affected by the pandemic. The summer grants will help students stay on track for graduation or catch up if they have fallen behind.
Applications are being accepted now and can be completed on the office of the Mississippi Student Financial Aid website at https://msfinancialaid.org/geer
The deadline to apply is April 30, 2022.
Be a Mississippi resident
Be a continuing college student with at least 12 hours as of Fall 2021 that do not include high school/dual enrollment credits
Have a minimum 2.0 cumulative college GPA
Complete the GEER application
Complete the 2022-2023 FAFSA and have an EFC below 15,000
Be enrolled in at least 3 hours in a first certificate, associate’s, or bachelor’s degree program during Summer 2022
Award Amount and Length of Eligibility:
Award offers will be made shortly after the application deadlines passes.
Community college recipients will receive up to $500 for Summer 2022.
Four-year college recipients will receive up to $1,000 for Summer 2022.
Awards are paid directly to the institution.
To Apply:
Complete the online application (opens February 1, 2022). To be considered for GEER, students must complete the GEER application, even if they have already completed a 2022-2023 Mississippi Aid Application.
Complete the 2022-2023 FAFSA
Submit required supporting documents. New applicants and some renewal applicants with a break in enrollment will be required to submit two forms of residency documentation:
Preferred Residency Documents:
Mississippi driver’s license (can be submitted electronically during the online application)
Alternate Residency Documents Accepted:
State Tax Return (NOT Federal) for the current tax filing year. Dependent students would provide a signed copy of the first two pages of the parent’s return. Independent students would provide a signed copy of the student’s return. Am I dependent or independent?
Homestead Exemption
Voter Registration
Vehicle Registration
Note: The office of Mississippi Student Financial Aid receives FAFSA results electronically for all Mississippi residents. When possible, the state tax return or Mississippi driver’s license pending document will be replaced by the FAFSA.