March 6, 2019
Artwork submitted by area elementary school children for the Smithsonian Water/Ways traveling exhibit at the Tennessee-Tombigbee Transportation Museum in Columbus is on display at East Mississippi Community College’s Art Gallery, which is located in the student union on the Golden Triangle campus.
A reception for the student artists will take place in the EMCC Art Gallery March
21 beginning at 6 p.m. The reception is open to the public. The artwork can be viewed
prior to the reception during normal school hours.
Students in third through sixth grades from Annunciation Catholic School, Cook Elementary School, Heritage Academy, Fairview Elementary School, Sale Elementary School and West Lowndes Elementary School submitted artwork for the Smithsonian exhibit.
Only 12 of the roughly 70 pieces of artwork submitted for the Smithsonian exhibit were displayed at the museum in Columbus. The exhibit at EMCC features all of students’ art. Awards will be presented to the students with the winning art entries at the reception.
Judges for the submissions are EMCC art instructors Scott Baine and Cindy Buob.