EMCC Scholarships

EMCC Scholarships

East Mississippi Community College Scholarships

You Earned IT!

East Mississippi Community College offers competitive scholarships in a variety of programs. In recognition of academic achievement, leadership and ability, EMCC awards scholarships to offset the cost of a college education. These scholarships are listed below, along with the criteria for eligibility. EMCC scholarships have been established to help with the cost of attending any EMCC campus or center.  For questions, contact Lion Central at 662.476.5089, email finaid@eastms.edu, or any of the contacts specified under a particular scholarship..



The application deadline date is August 1 for fall and January 2 for spring. Unless otherwise noted, awards are for four consecutive semesters. To meet scholarship renewal requirements a minimum of 15 hours and a cumulative 2.5 grade point average must be maintained each semester (some awards require a 3.0).

    • Scholarship applications will not be accepted after August 1 for fall semester enrollees or January 2 for spring semester enrollees. If you enroll in the fall but miss the scholarship application deadline you will not be allowed to apply for scholarships for the spring semester. You must meet the scholarship application deadline for the first semester you enroll.
    • The admissions file must be complete before a student is considered eligible for scholarships. At a minimum, the student must have completed an admissions application.  The EMCC Scholarship Application will not be considered without the completion of the admissions application. Both applications must be completed by deadline dates as specified in the first bullet.
    • The applicant must be a Mississippi resident enrolling as a full-time (15 hours or more), first-time freshman in the fall or spring semester following high school graduation. Transfer students are not eligible to apply.
    • The applicant must meet the required criteria of each specific scholarship for which they are applying. For ACT-based scholarships, the ACT composite score on file at the application deadline date for the semester the student plans to enroll is the score that will be used. ACT Superscore is not accepted for scholarship considerations.
    • Scholarships are only awarded for fall and spring semesters unless the program in which the student is enrolled requires a summer semester (Licensed Practical Nursing and Cosmetology).
    • Scholarships are awarded and/or renewed for either two or four semesters, depending upon the scholarship criteria.
          • Multiple scholarships can be applied to all costs (tuition, books, fees, room and board, etc.), however, ACT-based scholarships cannot be stacked.
    • No refunds will be given in the event scholarship amounts exceed expenses.
    • Progress is checked after each semester. If the required grade point average (GPA) or 15 hour course load is not maintained throughout the semester the student will receive the scholarship under a probationary period during the following semester. If the GPA or course load is not maintained during the probationary semester the scholarship is lost.
    • If 15 semester hours are not maintained throughout the first six weeks of any given semester the scholarship is lost for that semester and any subsequent semesters. If you drop below 15 hours within the first six weeks it is possible to enroll in a future term within that same semester (i.e. a mini-term offered within the same semester) in order have enough hours to regain the 15 hour requirement.
    • No student will receive institutional scholarships for repeated classes that were successfully completed with a grade of C or higher and those classes will not count toward the 15 semester credit hours required for institutional scholarships.


Departmental scholarships will be awarded based on a holistic review of academic merit, leadership, program, financial need, work experience, or community service experience. Scholarships are most often awarded to students who have demonstrated excellence in meeting the eligibility criteria.  Departmental Scholarships are awarded for various academic and career technical programs at East Mississippi Community College. The deadline to apply is August 2.  Awards will be made by August 15.


Departmental Scholarship Application

To Be Considered:

  • Be currently enrolled or be a transfer student who is certificate or degree seeking and in good standing.
  • A Mississippi resident.
  • Complete the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) for the year of enrollment by visiting studentaid.gov
  • Be enrolled in a minimum of 15 credit hours per semester beginning in the fall term.
  • Transfer students must have a completed admissions application on file and must request an official copy of all precious college transcripts.
  • Awards are for fall and spring semesters. The spring award is contingent on completing a minimum of 15 hours and having a 2.5 GPA or higher.

Actual award amounts will vary from $500 to $1000 per year.

Scholarship awards will be based on availability of funds. 

Incomplete applications or applications received after the deadline will not be accepted.  

Completing the application does not guarantee a scholarship will be awarded.

All award recipients must reapply annually to be considered again.


These scholarships are awarded to qualified students who have special skills, talents or abilities. They are awarded by the coaches or sponsors of these respective programs. Most will require auditions, interviews or the submission of material for selection. If selected, student will be contacted for more information. All scholarships require a minimum enrollment of 15 semester hours. Scholarships are awarded for two semesters with a maximum of four semesters possible. 

Competition scholarships are awarded in the following areas:

Amount: Varies 
Criteria: Application. | Recommendation by Head Coach. | Must meet eligibility requirements with EMCC, MJCAA and NJCAA.
For more information on football, men's and women's basketball, baseball, softball, rodeo and athletic training, visit the athletic website.


The EMCC Foundation Department will be accepting applications for the foundation scholarships starting April 1, and ending August 1,

Our Development Foundation scholarships are established and funded for our EMCC students by individuals, organizations, business and industry partners.  The criteria and dollar amount for each individual scholarship will vary according to the donations and specifications of our gracious donors.  In order to be eligible for our Development Foundation scholarships, students must be enrolled full time at EMCC.  The application deadline for our Development Foundation scholarships is August 1st.  If you are interested in donating to one of the existing scholarships or have a desire to create a new scholarship in honor or memory of someone, please contact our Development Foundation Office (662)476-5063 or (662)476-5025.  You can also reach us via email at gcotton@eastms.edu or csciple@eastms.edu

Madie Peden Light Endowed Scholarship -

Ms. Margaret Pansy Light established this scholarship endowment in memory of her mother, Madie Peden Light.  Recipient must be a sophomore resident of Mississippi and maintain a 2.0 grade point average. Application for Foundation Scholarships

TIC Endowed Scholarship +
T. L. Cloar, Jr. Endowed Scholarship +
Dr. Rick Young Endowed Scholarship +
AT&T Endowed Scholarship +
Box Family Scholarship +
Oneta P. Baker Endowed Scholarship +
Bessie Duke Carter-Annie Haughey Carter Morgan Endowed Music Scholarship +
Ray Gildon Excellence in Automotive Technology Endowed Scholarship +
Hitt Family Scholarship +
Lucy Hull Endowed Scholarship +
Hope Dulaney Meacham Endowed Scholarship +
Mississippi Organization for Associate Degree Nursing (M-OADN) +
The Pilot Club of Columbus Scholarship +
John D. Gerhart Endowed Scholarship +
Joshua Reed Line Worker Endowed Scholarship +
Janan L. Rush Scholarship +
Anita Sharma Scholarship +
Rogers Phi Theta Kappa, Eta Upsilon Chapter Scholarship +
MTED Veterans Scholarship +
William W. (Will) Botts, Jr. Endowed Scholarship +
Dennis D. and Leola K. Cowart Nursing Scholarship +
Forbus Family Scholarship +
John G. Hopper Endowed Scholarship +
Columbus Light and Water Diversity Scholarship +
Shaku Shaunak Scholarship +
Eddie Al and Cheryl Sparkman Scholarship +
Carl M. (Buck) Hildreth Memorial Scholarship +
Blount-Dudley Memorial Endowed Scholarship +
Boeing inVEST Veterans Earning Skills Training Scholarship +
John Dodds Gentry Culinary Scholarship +