Institutional Report Card

Institutional Report Card

In accordance with House Bill No. 1071 from the 2010 legislative session, East Mississippi Community College has released its latest Community College Report Card. 

East mississippi community college institutional REPORT CARDS



            The Community College Report Card is designed to reflect the unique missions of the community colleges. The measures that are used align closely with the Voluntary Framework of Accountability developed by the American Association of Community Colleges. 
Information on the Community College Report Card includes student enrollment, degrees awarded, student success, student retention, student progress, workforce development information, GED and adult basic education statistics, as well as enrollment and success in development or remedial coursework (college readiness).
Each report card includes information for the specific college, along with figures for the system. Most metrics are based upon a specified cohort of students, defined as a group of students who enter or start a program at the same time.  Specific cohort definitions and dates are indicated with each metric.  Cohort dates will vary, depending on whether the metric reflects entry or outcome data. 
Visit the links above to view the Report Cards. Click here for explanation of each section.
Where possible, these Reports Cards use data being reported annually to the State Workforce Investment Board, to the U.S. Department of Education, and to Complete College America.  Other data comes in part from the Mississippi LifeTracks systems which have been independently validated by the National Strategic Planning and Analysis Research Center (nSPARC) at Mississippi State University.​



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